Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Triangular piles - Falulah Brook, Fitchburg MA

Saw equidistant bumps on a near horizon:Looked for rock piles there. For example, like this:
See how it is triangular? It is not just an impression. Here are two other piles from the same place:All roughly triangular. Also two small colored rocks at the center of this last example.
Without the moss, one would be reddish, the other whitish. (We saw something quite similar in Foxborough a week or two ago, here. I think the large numbers of examples like this make the case that these are characteristics, and not coincidences.)

The stone wall was torn up and disturbed adjacent to this last pile:This always makes me unsure of a site. Nearby in the stone wall was a "corner pile", a well built retaining wall across a corner of stone wall, filled with smaller rocks. It is interesting that such corner piles are so often found near more obviously ceremonial rock piles.(Dancing sunlight makes good panoramas impossible.)

The woods around where West Ashby Rd crosses Falulah Brook are full of interesting things.

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